Project Cobuwe - Mozambique

Reforestation & regenerative agroforestry to improve productivity, food security & welfare in Mozambique

  • The project is still in the development phase.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

Along with our partner Mozambique Renewables, we co-designed a holistic landscape model with local communities, aimed at restoring Mozambique's forests and improving food security.

The pilot project, which is to be implemented on 4k hectares of land is located in an isolated part of Mozambique where people have no access to jobs and live off subsistence farming fishing, hunting and producing their own food.

The project aims to:

  • Restore approximately 4,000 hectares of land situated within close proximity of Lake Niassa in the Province of Niassa, in the north of Mozambique through planting indigenous and naturalized tree species with fire corridors and fire prevention stations.

  • Implement regenerative agroforestry systems using nitrogen fixing trees with alley-cropping providing a continuous supply of organic nutritional foods

  • Implement agroforestry fruit and nut trees systems

  • Create conservation and wildlife corridors connecting forests, rivers and adjacent lands enabling animals including elephants, buffalos & hartebeest to migrate between rivers and native untouched forests

Current Ecosystem

Degraded / deforested Miombo woodland. The region has a hot, tropical climate with a wet summer from November to March and a long winter drought. The woodlands are vulnerable to fire, particularly at the start of the summer. Niassa Reserve is located within proximity, but even outside protected areas the woodlands have remained comparatively intact due to the sparse human population. However, the woodlands are being slowly cleared for farmland and pasture throughout.


Kenge - DRC - Reforestation & Agroforestry


Nampula - Mozambique - Micro-Biochar Smartstove distribution