Our Services

For Project Developers

We offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to support the development, implementation, and management of carbon emissions reduction and removal projects. Our expert team is equipped to guide you through every stage of your project, ensuring the project delivers actual emission reductions as well as social and environmental benefits.

  • Project Design: We assist from project inception, helping you to choose the right location, project type, certification body and methodology to maximise the effectiveness of your project.

  • Methodology Development: Our expertise extends to developing methodologies tailored to your project's specific needs, enhancing its impact and efficiency. If there is no suitable approved methodology available, we can assist in developing one to submit to one of the certification schemes.

  • Feasibility Study: We offer pre-feasibility and subsequent feasibility studies to assess the technical feasibility, investment requirements, development, and operational costs, expected returns, administrative and legal hurdles, and project risks and pitfalls.

  • Carbon Modelling and Assessments: Our team specializes in carbon modelling, Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs), and whole-life costing to ensure your project's environmental impact is minimized and effectively managed.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Our services include stakeholder consultation design and implementation support, ensuring your project is participatory and aligns with community and stakeholder expectations.

  • Risk Management: We conduct thorough risk assessments and design safeguard management systems to mitigate potential challenges throughout your project's lifecycle.

  • Impact Assessments and Measurement: We implement baseline and progress measurement surveys. We also conduct Social and Biodiversity Impact Assessments to ensure positive outcomes and to identify any potential negative impacts at an early stage.

  • Project Design Document (PDD): We develop the PDD, providing modelled, project-specific data on the project’s ex-ante emissions reductions, and plans for quantifying and monitoring the delivery of climate and other social and environmental benefits. We establish the baseline scenario and demonstrate that the project is additional and avoids emissions leakage.

  • MRV: Our team defines the Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) requirements, and develops up the necessary systems. We also help secure technology partners and oversee the implementation of tech for MRV.

  • Ongoing Project Support: We offer ongoing project management support, ensuring that the project is effective and has measurable

  • Project Certification: Our services encompass accompanying third-party validation, verification, and certification processes, leading to the issuance of carbon certificates and certified Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) claims, along with other labels such as CCB and SD Vista.

  • Fundraising and Carbon Trading: We provide fundraising support, advisory, and assistance with carbon credit trading to ensure your project is financially viable and successful.

For Governments

We provide specialized support to help seller countries capitalize on Article 6 implementation and voluntary cooperation. Our services are designed to align with your country's unique ecological, social, and development requirements, with a focus on creating bespoke solutions that enhance both national and international carbon trading capabilities.

  • Custom Methodology Development: We design country-specific methodologies for carbon accounting, tailored to meet your country’s unique ecological, social, and development needs, facilitating both national and international trading.

  • National Carbon Standard Development: Our team can assist in establishing a certification body to issue carbon credits from national projects, enabling these credits to be traded internationally. This includes setting up a dedicated registry to ensure transparency and efficient tracking of credits, integrating this with the national carbon registry and pricing strategy.

  • Establishment of a Compliance Mechanism: We help establish a national carbon credit compliance market aligned with the principles of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) implemented by the EU. Our services ensure that the pricing mechanism covers sectors affected by CBAM, is robust enough for EU recognition, and is compatible with regional policies.

  • Establishment of a National Carbon Registry: Our expertise includes helping with the establishment of a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) to manage a secure, efficient, and auditable national Carbon Registry. This registry would track all national carbon projects, managing both compliance carbon credits and voluntary credits, ensuring transparency and verifiable contributions.

  • Operational Plan for NDC Implementation: We review or develop comprehensive operational plans for implementing your country’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), ensuring alignment with national priorities and international climate commitments.

For Businesses

Our suite of services for businesses is designed to support your commitment to sustainability, decarbonization, and social responsibility. 

  • Expert Advisory and Support: We offer expert guidance to help your business develop and implement robust decarbonization strategies. Our goal is to enable you to make a significant contribution to the global Race to Zero, reducing your carbon footprint and enhancing your sustainability credentials.

  • Strategy Implementation: We work closely with you to put these strategies into action, ensuring effective execution and measurable outcomes.

  • Tailored Sustainable Solutions: We specialize in crafting and implementing sustainable propositions tailored to your business. Our approach is designed to enhance your sustainability agenda and ensure a lasting positive impact on your corporate footprint across your business’s entire value chain.

  • Holistic Project Management: From conception to execution, we provide comprehensive project management to guarantee that your sustainability projects are delivered successfully and align with your strategic objectives.

  • Comprehensive CSR Strategy Formulation: We can assist in developing comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies that reflect your company’s commitment to ethical, sustainable, and socially responsible business practices.

  • ESG/SDG Alignment: Our services include Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) screening and measurement. We ensure that your business practices are aligned with global sustainability standards, enhancing your reputation and contributing to a better world.

  • Monitoring and Reporting: We provide tools and methodologies for continuous monitoring and reporting on your ESG and SDG initiatives, ensuring transparency and accountability in your sustainability efforts.

Our Nature-Based Solutions include:

  • Regenerative Agroforestry

  • Sustainable Forest Management

  • Conservation

  • Afforestation / Reforestation

  • Silviculture

  • Sustainable Grassland Management

  • Regenerative Farming

  • Reducing Enteric Methane Emissions from Ruminants

  • Soil Organic Carbon

  • Biochar Production for Permanent Carbon Capture

Other ways we help reduce emissions:


Clean Cookstoves

Distribution of advanced cookstoves & thermal heat sources powered by sustainable biomass derived from Agriwaste.


Social Housing

Social housing design and construction technologies for implementation in the developing world.


Safe Drinking Water Supply

Waste to Energy

Conversion of waste into a clean energy source & other products such as construction components.


Low Embodied Energy Materials

Natural fiber composites, recycled plastics, aggregates & industrial residues, natural polymers, natural fibers, long-lived timber products, concrete/cement enhancement/substitution.


Renewable Energy

Hydroelectric Power, Solar & Wind Energy, Sustainable Biomass and Biogas


Sustainable Construction

Sustainable Construction Materials, Technologies & Processes, Environmental Management of Construction Sites, Retrofitting Electrical & mechanical systems


Biogas for Communal Cooking

How We Do It

All our projects are designed to proactively contribute towards climate security & sustainable development, and demonstrate a real, direct, positive contribution. They are tracked according to robust monitoring, reporting and verification plans, verified by an approved independent third party, and then certified by the relevant certifying body.

Projects are developed and implemented with a rigorous safeguard management system following best practices to identify the risks and outcomes of activities and implement a mitigation strategy to prevent any negative or unintended consequences and manage trade-offs where needed.

These safeguards are in place to uphold the principals of human rights, promote and protect gender equality and women’s rights, community health, safety, and working conditions, best practice labor rights, respect cultural heritage & indigenous people, and help secure the land tenure rights of those involved, with strict anti-corruption measures in place. Projects are developed ensuring positive economic impacts for all.

Environmental impact assessments are performed to ensure protection of water, soil, wildlife and ecology and that best practices are in place for their effective management.

Projects are developed and implemented with full stakeholder inclusion, meaning all stakeholders are given the opportunity to participate in the project design and have a continuous communication channel throughout the project lifecycle.

Upon completing the stakeholder consultation, the project is sent for 3rd party validation and project activities can start on the ground. This is when the MRV process kicks in where real-time monitoring is converted into monthly reports, which are sent for annual/biennial 3rd party verification. Having verified the successful implementation of activities to plan, and that expected impacts have been generated & measured, the project becomes certified, and credits are issued for that reporting cycle.

All credits and certified SDG Impacts are listed on a transparent, 3rd party registry. Once listed, credits can be traded either via online exchanges or via OTC markets. Once acquired by the end-user, credits are converted to offsets and retired on the registry with corresponding adjustments made.

By doing this, we generate high-quality carbon credits with certified SDG claims enabling us to quantify the additional impact created for each unit of investment and assign a monetary value to these attributes.

These 3rd party certified SDG claims can be made by funders with every carbon credit purchased or from projects directly invested in, and directly linked to ESG reports in a clear, accountable way helping them to meet their net-zero targets and Sustainable Development Agendas.

It is this way, we believe it is possible to achieve the scale needed to unlock the true potential of carbon markets and ensure this value returns back to the communities and those working on the ground restoring life on the land, protecting biodiversity, and helping to prevent the earth from reaching its tipping point before it is too late, whilst also providing returns to investors.